Westmont Price Field

Total reconstruction of the Westmont Hilltop School District Price Field, the alma mater of the founder of Straw Construction Co., Inc.  
  • 885 LF – Compost Filter Sock
  • 4,854 SY – Remove Track Surface
  • 1,401 CY – Remove running track asphalt paving and subbase.
  • 5,974 CY – Topsoil Removal
  • 12,401 CY – Bulk Excavation
  • 1,260 LF – Infiltration Trench
  • 2,810 LF – Storm Pipe
  • 6 EA – Type M Inlets
  • 9 EA – Storm Manholes
  • 250 SF – Jumbo Block Retaining Wall
  • 255 LF – ACO Trench Drain
  • 4,119 SY – Track Asphalt Paving
  • 1,030 SY – D Area Asphalt Paving
  • 300 SY – Asphalt Track Perimeter Walkways
  • 510 SY – HMA Parking Lot Paving
  • 2,608 LF – Vinyl Coated Fence
  • 437 LF – Ornamental Fence
  • 1,260 LF – 8” X 12” Turf Curb
  • 1,780 LF – 4” Perforated Subdrainage Laterals
  • 11,152 SY – 4 OZ Geotextile
  • 11,152 SY – 8” 2 Layer Synthetic Turf Drainage Base
  • 100,366 SF – Laser Grade Finish Stone



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